Mariika Virrankoski-Poulsen

Mariika Virrankoski-Poulsen
  • Manager, Denmark
  • Company: Wesmans AS

Mariika has a vast experience as a lawyer in the maritime industry. She is a qualified Finnish lawyer, has an LL.M. in maritime law from Southampton and holds a Blue MBA from Copenhagen Business School. Mariika has gained professional experience in working with London law firms and 10+ years in the legal department of a global ship owning company engaged with claims, insurances, contracts, compliance, sale & purchase of vessels, NBs, ship financing, crewing and corporate matters.  Through a consultancy company she has advised clients on legal and maritime-business related matters in the Nordics. The past few years she has been with Wesmans and Nordic P&I as the Manager of the Danish operations, providing professional and hands-on services on claims and insurance matters to customers consisting of international marine, p&i, and cargo insurance companies.

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